Thursday, October 13, 2011

Splitting Text Into Description Line 1 & 2

Exporting creatives from Marin (Our third party tracking tool) has some variability between search engines.

  • Bing & Yahoo ads have 70/0 (characters in description line 1/description line 2)
  • Google, exports the ads 35/35

In order to take the 70 character length and split them into 35/35, you cannot simply cut it in half or words will get split between lines.

The formulas below take a text string and split it at the last word before the 35 mark and put the remainder in description line 2.

  • The text to be split is A2
  • Description line 1 is B2
  • Description line 2 is in C2
  • Length of description line 2 is in D2 (checking purposes)


Cell B2:
=TRIM(LEFT(A2,FIND("@",SUBSTITUTE(MID(A2,1,36)," ","@",36-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(MID(A2,1,36)," ",""))),1)))

Cell C2:

Cell D2:

*Check the length of D2 to make sure ads do not exceed 35 characters

**To modify the cut off length change all 36's to the length you want +1

***To modify reference cells, find replace A2 or B2 with (Cell w/ text to split) and (Description Line 1) respectively